Many substances, such as alcohol, opiates, and stimulants can create dependency and addiction over time. Substance dependency and addiction is compulsive and out-of-control substance use, despite the consequences.
Drug & Substance Abuse Rehab, Treatment & Counseling and Online Therapy in Utah
Are you looking for drug and substance abuse treatment centers in Utah? At Next Level Recovery, we provide high-quality, affordable drug and alcohol treatment in the greater Salt Lake City, Utah area. Our highly trained healthcare professionals and counselors offer cutting-edge drug addiction treatment to everyone who needs it. Our counselors have years of experience with highly-qualified licensure that demonstrates their commitment to their patients and their families. Contact next level recovery today to learn more about our drug treatment centers.
Signs of Addiction
One of the common questions that families and friends ask if about the signs of addiction that they should be alert for. Those who have developed a substance addiction may start missing work and social functions. They could start to become withdrawn and isolated. Loved ones could also notice extreme changes in their appetite, sleep patterns, and mood. Families who were previously well-off may even notice that their finances are suddenly in trouble. Money is often siphoned from other areas of the budget to fund an addiction. Someone who is struggling with addiction could manifest one or all of these signs. For this reason, it is important for families to remain vigilant and ask for help if needed.
Other signs of addiction include:
- Loss of control
- Neglecting important activities
- Risk-taking
- Relationship issues with family, friends, school, and work
- Secrecy
- Changing appearance
- A family history of substance use
- Behavioral and emotional changes
- Continued use regardless of negative consequences
Most commonly used addictive drugs:
- Opioids-Heroin, prescription pain medications, and Suboxone
- Alcohol
- Stimulants-Cocaine, Amphetamines, and Methamphetamines
- Sedatives-Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium
- Marijuana
During the Treatment
Our treatment programs at Next Level Recovery address more than your use of addictive substances. We customize your sobriety plan to meet your specific needs and situation. We can also address other psychological issues that can accompany Substance Use Disorders. Our clinicians help you set attainable goals while learning to cope with everyday situations and triggers that might lead to relapse. You will learn how to manage stress and develop coping strategies through evidence-based modalities and experiential activities. When someone is visiting our drug and alcohol treatment center in Utah, there are many different techniques that we will use to help someone overcome their behavior.
One-On-One Therapy in Salt Lake City, Utah
Clients will meet with one-on-one therapists while they are here. Questions will focus on exploring the reasons behind the addiction so that the root of the behavior can be explored. Only by changing behavior patterns can addiction be overcome.
Next Level Recovery Group Therapy
In addition, group therapy plays a crucial part in the recovery process as well. By hearing about other stories, clients and patients will learn that they are not alone. It is important to learn from the experiences of others so that individuals can learn from each other, honing skills that will not only help them conquer addiction but prevent relapse as well.
After the Stay
Once someone has graduated from the program, it is important to continue therapy on an outpatient basis. Regular follow-up will be necessary so that any concerns about the recovery process can be voiced before a relapse occurs. It is also possible that group therapy could be recommended outside of the center as well. It is important to note that everyone’s addiction is different and, therefore, everyone’s treatment plan will be different as well. This is one of the factors that sets out programs apart. We know that a one-size-fits-all approach is not the best way to conquer addiction. We seek to get to know all of our clients on a personal level. This allows us to tailor treatments to the individual, helping to maximize the chances of success.
We Are a Drug & Substance Abuse Rehab, Treatment Center in Salt Lake City, Utah
At Next Level Recovery, we know that finding the right program to treat and manage your addiction and recovery is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Your willingness to explore treatment solutions is the first step to recovery. When someone decides to delay getting the help that they need, the recovery process can often be more drawn out and expensive. The farther someone ventures down the path of addiction, the harder it can be to turn them around. Because of this, we urge anyone who sees a loved one struggling with addiction to call us at Next Level Recovery today. Friendly professionals are standing by. We invite you to call (888) 759-5846 for a free consultation to discuss treatment solutions today and answer any questions you have.