Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Drug and alcohol abuse recovery is a long lasting journey. It involves an extensive day-to-day process of physical, mental and emotional restoration. It is comparable to picking up shattered pieces of a precious object, putting them back together, and making every effort to ensure that the pieces remain intact. The process of transforming every aspect of someone’s wellbeing can be physically and emotionally draining. But the good news is, no matter how difficult and time consuming the road to recovery is, drug and alcohol abuse is a curable disorder. Anyone who is willing to fight and win the battle against addiction has a very good chance of overcoming the disease and eventually living a more peaceful and meaningful life.

Recovery is different for everyone. To determine which approach is best in order to achieve a progressive and effective recovery process, there are various factors that need to be considered. Some of these factors are the duration of the addiction, severity, type of substance used, and the person’s willingness to recover. Regardless of the healing path taken, there are certain essentials to recovery that encompasses all types of addiction.

These are three of the most vital necessities of a person in recovery:

  1. Personal Desire to Overcome the Abuse

Making the big decision to end drug or alcohol abuse is a major step that could lead to a genuine recovery process. But normally, the desire and willingness to stop using do not just instantly occur to someone. It is also a process that involves recognizing that there is a need for change, deciding how the change should look like and setting attainable goals. Instead of setting big objectives right away, it is more recommended to take one step at a time. As sobriety is a decision that someone needs to keep on choosing every day, consistent willpower is a key element for success.


  1. Highly-Individualized Treatment

Since each person in recovery is unique in so many ways, no single treatment is suitable for all. In choosing treatment methods, it is very important that each would specifically address the certain issues of the person involved. It should also treat all aspects of addiction – physical, psychological, social and spiritual. There are a number of recovery treatments and services available now. One system may work for others but could not be successful for some.

Here are the most common treatment programs:

  • Detoxification or the process of clearing someone’s body of drugs and other substances to address the fatal physiological effects of ceasing drug usage (often the first step to recovery)
  • Medications (such as Suboxone and Vivitrol treatment to address opioid addiction)
  • In-patient / Out-patient rehabilitation
  • Behavioral Therapies (such Cognitive or effective coping mechanisms, Contingency Management and 12-step therapies)
  • Religious or Spiritual Therapy
  • Alternative Therapies (such as exercise, yoga and meditation)

There is usually a need to combine different strategies to create a more holistic and effective treatment plan. Custom-tailored treatment systems are proven to be very effective as it is based on the specific situation of the individual in recovery.


  1. Maximum Support from Loved Ones

Recovery is more difficult when dealt with alone. A person in recovery has a constant need to feel loved and accepted to be able to be more inspired to go on with the process. That’s why their family, friends and loved ones play a huge role in the process of attaining this lifetime goal.

Here are some helpful ways to express full support to a recovering loved one:

  • Show persistent encouragement to complete treatment
  • Keep hope alive by reassuring the person that he is doing a fantastic job in dealing with recovery
  • Be involved by attending family healing activities and support groups
  • Commit to necessary lifestyle changes which may involve changing particular habits that could trigger relapse. For example, having an alcohol-free and/or drug-free home.

No matter how challenging it is continually care for and support a family member going through recovery, always rely on the love that you have for them, and everything will be lighter.


  1. Sense of Purpose

The decision to stay sober every single day is made easier by reminding oneself about his purpose in life. Even though not everyone has already discovered what it is that their living for, knowing that you are here for a reason, greatly impacts your desire to be completely healed and break free from the disease of addiction. Whether it is your spouse, or your kids, or your job, or your role in the community, whatever makes you grateful for being alive provides the sense of purpose that you need to successfully win your battle against drug and alcohol abuse.

Allow Next Level Recovery to back you up and be your guide in taking the journey to full recovery. Trust that we will handle your situation with genuine concern and assistance. We understand your individual needs and we can create a customized treatment plan to help you attain a progressive and successful recovery. Call us anytime at (888) 759-5846 and let’s talk about your healing!