Most Popular Addictions in the U.S.
During times of trials and afflictions, it can be easy to feel lonely and defeated. Especially with substance abuse or alcohol addiction, it can be easy for those struggling with addiction to feel like they’re the only one with a problem and that they’re working through this alone.
Next Level Recovery, found in Salt Lake City, helps those struggling with addictions. We are an outpatient addiction treatment program that is customized to the individual needs of those involved with addiction in a helpful and encouraging way.
In addition to a treatment center, it can also be beneficial for those struggling with addictions, and their loved ones, to know and understand the intensity of addiction in America to show that they’re not the only ones going through the addiction process.
Although nicotine addiction may not appear as harmful as other addictions, it’s still a serious addiction with over 40 million people who use it. Since tobacco products are legal and easy to get, people may assume that they’re not that harmful. However, Tobacco use claims more lives than any other addictive substance.
It may be hard to believe that over 18 million people are addicted to alcohol in the United States. The social acceptance of drinking can make alcohol addiction hard to spot. For those struggling with alcohol addiction, Next Level Recovery is a great personalized way to get treatment and help ease your transition from dependency to a substance free healthy life.
Substance Abuse
With a variety of different types of drug addiction that can be claimed under substance abuse, it can be easy to feel lost and alone. There are over 4.2 people in the United States addicted to Marijuana, 1.8 people addicted to painkillers, and over 821,000 people addicted to cocaine. Although these are the most common drugs that lead to drug addiction in the United States, there are many other people that are suffering from different types of substance abuse in the United States.
At Next Level Recovery, we customize to the individual needs of those involved with addiction. We know that you aren’t alone, and we want to help you on your road to recovery in your own individualized way.