Various studies and research continue to tout the science and benefits of happiness. Unqualified self-acceptance and connectivity allow us to feel a greater sense of accomplishment and joy. “There is evidence that happiness is contagious, that happier people help those around them to become happier too. A study published in the British Medical Journal followed people […] 13:58:492019-10-07 14:23:26Happiness And Self-Acceptance
Many people in recovery will tell you that a primary reason for their use of mood-altering substances was to escape painful emotions—commonly caused by trauma. Upon entering recovery, the former addict no longer has a mood-altering substance to rely upon to escape these emotions and is left to feel them in their entirety. A former […]
Rebuilding myself and my relationships were the biggest motivators for me while attending inpatient treatment. I had always considered myself to be a very responsible parent of 2 children. I managed my own finances and was always considered a valuable employee. I purchased a town home and I was a typical mom juggling work and […] 13:55:212020-04-15 12:44:27Rebuilding Myself And My Relationships
In America, we are currently experiencing a drug problem larger than we have ever seen in history. From 2010 to 2016, there was a recorded 493 percent increase in people diagnosed with opioid use disorders. Facing this crisis as a country has been increasingly difficult because of the stigma attached to getting help with drug […] 13:22:132019-09-04 13:05:38High School Athletes and the Opioid Epidemic
Many people feel an overwhelming sense of loss and isolation during the holidays, and those feelings and emotions can trigger a relapse and use of alcohol or drugs to mask the pain. Mental health challenges and addictive tendencies are heightened by stress and triggers. For those struggling to stay sober during the holiday season and […] 10:49:472020-04-15 12:45:08Isolation and Sense of Loss During the Holiday Season
Proven treatment programs from Next Level Recovery and Sober Living homes offer you and your loved ones an immediate sense of connection. Feelings of acceptance and support through social bonds with peers and clinicians make it possible to rediscover yourself and develop the healthy relationships that you seek. (888) 759-5846 13:09:532020-04-15 12:45:39Proven Treatment Programs Offer Acceptance and Support
Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. These are stimulants that affect the brain and nerves to help control hyper activity and impulses. Adderall is easily abused and highly addictive. College students take this to help them study. Students are able to concentrate better and their alertness is increased. The amphetamine in Adderall makes […] 13:21:432018-08-16 16:27:20Misuse of Adderall On The Rise
Drug abuse will take so much more than you realize. It will take your ability to choose, communicate and interact with others. You are lucky if the only kind of pain you ever experience is physical because the emotional trauma from a drug addiction will drown you and everyone you ever cared about. However, your […] 12:16:372018-08-16 16:27:03Ways to Gain Forgiveness
Utah is a great place to get out to explore and hike. From easy half-mile hikes to strenuous 14-mile hikes, Utah has everything in between. Hiking is a good form of outdoor therapy for those recovering from drug addiction. Being in nature can help form connections with the world and other people. Travel down South […]
After conquering your addiction, in a perfect world, you’d never be faced with a new temptation . Your hard work wouldn’t go to waste, because you would be strong enough to say no to everything that might push you to relapse. Unfortunately, this isn’t a perfect world. In real life, we are only human. After […] 11:40:432018-08-16 16:27:11Natural Remedies to Use Instead of Painkillers
Happiness And Self-Acceptance
Various studies and research continue to tout the science and benefits of happiness. Unqualified self-acceptance and connectivity allow us to feel a greater sense of accomplishment and joy. “There is evidence that happiness is contagious, that happier people help those around them to become happier too. A study published in the British Medical Journal followed people […]
Trauma Informed Yoga
Many people in recovery will tell you that a primary reason for their use of mood-altering substances was to escape painful emotions—commonly caused by trauma. Upon entering recovery, the former addict no longer has a mood-altering substance to rely upon to escape these emotions and is left to feel them in their entirety. A former […]
Rebuilding Myself And My Relationships
Rebuilding myself and my relationships were the biggest motivators for me while attending inpatient treatment. I had always considered myself to be a very responsible parent of 2 children. I managed my own finances and was always considered a valuable employee. I purchased a town home and I was a typical mom juggling work and […]
High School Athletes and the Opioid Epidemic
In America, we are currently experiencing a drug problem larger than we have ever seen in history. From 2010 to 2016, there was a recorded 493 percent increase in people diagnosed with opioid use disorders. Facing this crisis as a country has been increasingly difficult because of the stigma attached to getting help with drug […]
Isolation and Sense of Loss During the Holiday Season
Many people feel an overwhelming sense of loss and isolation during the holidays, and those feelings and emotions can trigger a relapse and use of alcohol or drugs to mask the pain. Mental health challenges and addictive tendencies are heightened by stress and triggers. For those struggling to stay sober during the holiday season and […]
Proven Treatment Programs Offer Acceptance and Support
Proven treatment programs from Next Level Recovery and Sober Living homes offer you and your loved ones an immediate sense of connection. Feelings of acceptance and support through social bonds with peers and clinicians make it possible to rediscover yourself and develop the healthy relationships that you seek. (888) 759-5846
Misuse of Adderall On The Rise
Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. These are stimulants that affect the brain and nerves to help control hyper activity and impulses. Adderall is easily abused and highly addictive. College students take this to help them study. Students are able to concentrate better and their alertness is increased. The amphetamine in Adderall makes […]
Ways to Gain Forgiveness
Drug abuse will take so much more than you realize. It will take your ability to choose, communicate and interact with others. You are lucky if the only kind of pain you ever experience is physical because the emotional trauma from a drug addiction will drown you and everyone you ever cared about. However, your […]
Top Hikes in Utah
Utah is a great place to get out to explore and hike. From easy half-mile hikes to strenuous 14-mile hikes, Utah has everything in between. Hiking is a good form of outdoor therapy for those recovering from drug addiction. Being in nature can help form connections with the world and other people. Travel down South […]
Natural Remedies to Use Instead of Painkillers
After conquering your addiction, in a perfect world, you’d never be faced with a new temptation . Your hard work wouldn’t go to waste, because you would be strong enough to say no to everything that might push you to relapse. Unfortunately, this isn’t a perfect world. In real life, we are only human. After […]