Alcohol addiction may not look like a disease, but it is. Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive, and relapsing disease of the brain, according to both the American Medical Association and the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the American Psychiatric Association. As brain mapping and neural technologies evolve, evidence continues to support the belief that […]
Outpatient addiction treatment programs are a widely used option for individuals in need of help to overcome a substance use disorder. Outpatient rehabs allow the person the freedom to continue to engage with work, family, and friends while enrolled in the program. The outpatient option is appropriate for those with an emerging or short-lived addiction […] Maldonado Maldonado2019-07-26 12:35:332019-07-26 12:35:33Benefits of Drug and Alcohol Outpatient Rehab
What is Anxiety? By definition, anxiety is the body’s response to stressful situations, and this manifests itself as a constant feeling of apprehension about upcoming events. While it is perfectly reasonable to be anxious ahead of a job interview, client presentation, etc., prolonged anxiety – over six months – is detrimental to your health. Intense […]
Programs for substance use treatment have been around for decades and none of them have quite stood the test of time like the 12-step programs. These programs are well known and are typically seen through meeting groups, most popularly recognized as Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A) and Narcotics Anonymous (N.A.) groups. Other offsets have been created from […] Maldonado Maldonado2018-11-28 14:21:362020-03-03 10:53:22Non Traditional Programs vs 12 Step
Men with low T can experience emotional and physical health challenges as well as significant drops in sex drive. Anxiety, irritability, depression and other mood changes are common in men with low T. Low T Can Impact Emotional Well-being Testosterone is a steroid hormone that stimulates the development of male sexual characteristics and is produced mainly […] 08:20:092019-10-15 15:06:40Men With Low T Can Experience Emotional and Physical Health Challenges
Targeted marketing ads are flooding the minds of women and drinking among teens and women in increasing. Marketing ads that are conveying messages that show mothers taking a “mommy time-out” with alcoholic beverages is one campaign that is reaching the minds of many. Companies are exploiting the difficulties that come with rearing children, attending college and other life-situations that might be considered stressful […] 12:10:392019-10-15 15:13:22Drinking Among Teens and Women is Increasing
Exposure to childhood trauma has been linked to substance use disorders. Childhood trauma, physical and sexual abuse as well as neglect can create traumatic life experiences. The emotional scars left behind from unresolved trauma can create a need to numb the emotional pain and anxiety. Childhood Trauma Childhood trauma makes individuals more susceptible to cognitive […] 14:07:222019-10-07 14:22:56Childhood Trauma Linked to Substance Use Disorders
Those who have tried recovery before and may be feeling sad about their lack of progress may ask “Is recovery even possible?” Recovery is a life-altering change whose difficulty cannot be overstated. Those who are new to the recovery process may wonder “How do I go about being sober?” Guiding Principles of Recovery The Substance […]
Relying on your social support system while facing addiction can provide much needed relief in your quest for sobriety. Our social supports or friends can be tied to larger groups, such as neighbors, community members, co-workers or other influencers in your network. They can greatly improve your psychological well-being and increase your life expectancy. The […] 13:05:322019-10-07 14:24:24Relying On Your Support System
Integrated Therapy for Alcoholism
Alcohol addiction may not look like a disease, but it is. Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive, and relapsing disease of the brain, according to both the American Medical Association and the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the American Psychiatric Association. As brain mapping and neural technologies evolve, evidence continues to support the belief that […]
Benefits of Drug and Alcohol Outpatient Rehab
Outpatient addiction treatment programs are a widely used option for individuals in need of help to overcome a substance use disorder. Outpatient rehabs allow the person the freedom to continue to engage with work, family, and friends while enrolled in the program. The outpatient option is appropriate for those with an emerging or short-lived addiction […]
4 Practical Ways of Managing Social Anxiety
What is Anxiety? By definition, anxiety is the body’s response to stressful situations, and this manifests itself as a constant feeling of apprehension about upcoming events. While it is perfectly reasonable to be anxious ahead of a job interview, client presentation, etc., prolonged anxiety – over six months – is detrimental to your health. Intense […]
Non Traditional Programs vs 12 Step
Programs for substance use treatment have been around for decades and none of them have quite stood the test of time like the 12-step programs. These programs are well known and are typically seen through meeting groups, most popularly recognized as Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A) and Narcotics Anonymous (N.A.) groups. Other offsets have been created from […]
Men With Low T Can Experience Emotional and Physical Health Challenges
Men with low T can experience emotional and physical health challenges as well as significant drops in sex drive. Anxiety, irritability, depression and other mood changes are common in men with low T. Low T Can Impact Emotional Well-being Testosterone is a steroid hormone that stimulates the development of male sexual characteristics and is produced mainly […]
Drinking Among Teens and Women is Increasing
Targeted marketing ads are flooding the minds of women and drinking among teens and women in increasing. Marketing ads that are conveying messages that show mothers taking a “mommy time-out” with alcoholic beverages is one campaign that is reaching the minds of many. Companies are exploiting the difficulties that come with rearing children, attending college and other life-situations that might be considered stressful […]
Childhood Trauma Linked to Substance Use Disorders
Exposure to childhood trauma has been linked to substance use disorders. Childhood trauma, physical and sexual abuse as well as neglect can create traumatic life experiences. The emotional scars left behind from unresolved trauma can create a need to numb the emotional pain and anxiety. Childhood Trauma Childhood trauma makes individuals more susceptible to cognitive […]
Opioids Impact The Brain’s Neurotransmitters
Is Recovery Even Possible?
Those who have tried recovery before and may be feeling sad about their lack of progress may ask “Is recovery even possible?” Recovery is a life-altering change whose difficulty cannot be overstated. Those who are new to the recovery process may wonder “How do I go about being sober?” Guiding Principles of Recovery The Substance […]
Relying On Your Support System
Relying on your social support system while facing addiction can provide much needed relief in your quest for sobriety. Our social supports or friends can be tied to larger groups, such as neighbors, community members, co-workers or other influencers in your network. They can greatly improve your psychological well-being and increase your life expectancy. The […]