It is finally summer. The weather has warmed up and people are enjoying the hot sunshine by being outside. There are so many fun activities to look forward to these next few months and it’s important to recognize which ones will provide an increased temptation for drug use.
In order to avoid going to a drug rehab facility in Salt Lake City this summer, know what is going on this summer and why the prove to be more dangerous for someone recovering from an addiction.
Music Festivals
Summer is the time to have your windows down and your music blasting. Music is everywhere during the summer, meaning there are music festivals galore. Music festivals can be an incredible experience to make strong connections with music and people. However, drug use is also an expectation that many music festivals are susceptible to.
Summer Parties
In addition to music festivals, there is also the overabundance of parties. Whether parties are during the day at someone’s swimming pool or at night in a backyard, they happen all the time in the summer. Parties are an awesome opportunity to get together with friends and hang out, but often times, alcohol and even drugs become present, which makes it hard to turn them down when all your friends are participating.
Getting up in the mountains is great because you not only get to see the beauty of the natural world, but you get some serious exercise. What is better than getting fresh air with your group of friends? Nothing, unless drugs are present – then things get dangerous. You are in nature; you can get high enough off the beauty of that alone without needing any other substances present.
Don’t let substance abuse or drug addiction consume your summer. Knowing what activities are prone to drugs and alcohol is the best way to make sure you can stay safe this summer and not be tempted by any unwanted urges.